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Our earnings forecasts, plans, strategies, etc. mentioned in our website are future forecast produced by the executives of our company with reference to currently available information, and include risks and uncertainties. In addition, actual business results may be different from the earnings forecasts due to a variety of significant elements, such as economic situations and market trends surrounding our company. We would appreciate your understanding.

Any information included in this website is not intended for soliciting the purchase, sale, or the like of shares of our company. Please make a decision about investment all by yourself.

The information mentioned in this website may be revised or deleted without notice. In addition, this website may become inaccessible, due to the communication environment, the conditions of your PC, or the like.

We are very careful when uploading content to our website, but even if there is any error in information mentioned in our website, data are falsified by a third party, or the downloading of data causes trouble or damage, our company will not take any responsibility for said matter. We would appreciate your understanding.

Other information for investors

Inquiry: investor

CELM Inc. welcomes your questions, please contact the following.


CELM Inc. welcomes your questions, please contact the following.

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