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Compliance Policy

The CELM Group aims to be a company that is trusted by its customers and by society and is seen as necessary by society. To this end, we will strive to develop and strengthen our system of compliance.

1. Observance of related laws

We will observe all related laws and ordinances, rules, internal regulations and social codes of conduct.

2. Establishment of trust

In full awareness of our weighty social responsibility and public mission, we will conduct sound business management and will strive to gain the trust of society.

3. Pursuit of satisfaction of the 3C’s (Customers, Consultants and CELM)

We will always place the customer first, provide services that will meet the customer’s needs, and strive to ensure that the 3C’s are satisfied and supported through our business.

4. Maintenance of healthy competition and fair trading

We will maintain fair trading relationships with our customers, consultants and other trading partners, and will promote business activities based on healthy and free competition.

5. Development of workplace environments

As well as respecting the diversity, personalities and individuality of our employees, we will create environments that are safe and easy to work in.


CELM Inc. welcomes your questions, please contact the following.

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